Welcome to Watered Daily! To put it simply, this is a blog for people looking for motivation, inspiration, and positive space for personal growth.
Watered Daily is run by me, Karen Kavanagh. I currently reside in Tennessee with my husband and twin boys. Between struggling with fertility, welcoming twins, balancing the tightrope of being a working mom, understanding the needs of a child with a Global Delay, and most recently leaving Silicon Valley and starting a new chapter in Tennessee with my family, somewhere along the way I lost myself. Sometimes in life we can give so much of ourselves that we lose ourselves. And that loss, that missing part of me, was something I was longing to find again.
This blog began as a personal challenge. What if I made time for myself daily? What if I watered myself daily? What started as a challenge to find myself again has given me so much more than I anticipated. It revealed a love for writing and a passion for personal growth, managing my mindset, and efficient living (because you know, twins!). I hope that by sharing my journey of growth I can inspire others.
To come along on my journey:
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It’s time we all start watering ourselves daily and see what grows…