On Monday I found myself glued to a free confidence building event on Facebook called Becoming Unstoppable. I’m not exactly sure how I found this event. Maybe it’s because the universe knows that I’m stuck somewhere between finding myself again after having twin boys, navigating the uncertainties of a child with a global developmental delay, writing this blog, and wondering what’s next in my career. Whatever the reason, as a personal growth junkie, when I saw the event was hosted by Jamie Kern Lima and speakers would include Robin Roberts, Chrissy Metz, Mel Robbins, Sara Blakely, Victoria Osteen, Lia Key, Tony Robbins, Ed Mylett, Dean Graziosi, Brendon Burchard, and Jay Shetty, I immediately signed up.
Even with all the big names, I thought it would be like other free events where I sign up and then quickly forget I even registered. I saw all the reminders leading up to the event and while Matt was at therapy, I got an email that Robin Roberts would soon be joining the stage. I was late to join the event, but as I joined, the warmth of Robin, and her way of speaking straight to your heart, hit me. She was talking about going through hard times and that one of her favorite quotes is “this too shall pass, now would be good”. This too shall pass. I got teary eyed as I listened. A saying I needed to hear for a 100 different reasons.
I spent the next 8 hours glued to the screen, listening to speaker after speaker. Some speakers I knew and others were a welcome introduction. The event was inspiring, empowering, and full of tools to give us all the confidence we need to create change in our life. Below are my favorite lessons that I took away from each presenter.
Jamie Kern Lima – Founder of IT Cosmetics, Author of Believe IT
Jamie started as a Denny’s waitress but dreamed of one day inspiring women, lifting them up, and helping others shine. She used her tip money to buy Tony Robbins’ Personal Power tapes in an effort to build up her own confidence to dream big. She founded IT Cosmetics and vowed to change the beauty industry and help make all women feel beautiful. After years of rejection, and I mean rejection, no after no after no, she stayed strong to her why. She wrote down the quote “know your why then fly girl fly”. Jamie read that message day after day until she believed it and ultimately sold her company to L’Oréal for 1.2B in 2016.
One tool she credits with building her confidence is her alter ego of the fearless squirrel. The image below says it all. Any time she has needed a boost in confidence she has called on that big balled squirrel and faced her fears. If this alter ego doesn’t work for you, create your own. Envision who you want to be, what you want to achieve, and the confidence you need to dream big. Now, name that person, be that person, and fly girl fly.

And to those that are reading this who think they are too old to pivot, make changes, chase dreams, or create new habits, know that it’s never too late. If you want to learn how to go from underestimated to unstoppable you can order a copy of Believe IT here. 100% of the proceeds for Believe IT will benefit Feeding America along with Together Rising and you’ll get access to additional free gifts!
Robin Roberts – Good Morning America
I’ve always been a Good Morning America person so it was nice to see a familiar face. I’ve followed Robin’s career and also her health struggles as she fought breast cancer and then was diagnosed with myelodysplastic syndrome. She has always been someone who has inspired me and what I caught of her interview did not disappoint. Known for saying “Make your mess your message” she has definitely done just that and has inspired others to do the same. Seeing her pull out the plaque of “this too shall pass, now would be nice” is the hope, and bit of levity, we all need right now.
Chrissy Metz – Star of NBC’s This is Us
Many of us know Chrissy Metz from This is Us and the reason we all cry weekly. She spoke about how after years of rejection and only $0.87 in her bank account, she finally got the call for her big break on This is Us. It’s easy to compare where you are with where others are in their journey. The problem with that is that no journey is the same and no timeframe is the same. What is the same? That everyone has to start with a first step, make a commitment to their goals, hold themselves accountable, and be open to the opportunities that come your way. Whether it’s running a 5K, chasing that dream job, or making time for yourself, if you want to make a change in your life, take that first step. As Chrissy says, suit up and show up.
Mel Robbins – Bestselling Author of 5 Second Rule
Wow, Mel Robbins knows how to connect with a virtual audience. She talked into the camera, brought the energy, and I struggled to keep up with my notes. Mel spoke about The 5 Second Rule for stopping negative thoughts before they stop you. We all have negative thoughts that creep into our mind each and every day. The good news is that it’s scientifically proven that you can’t continue to focus on those thoughts if you count backwards. When a negative thought makes its way into your mind, count backwards 5. 4. 3. 2. 1 and then take action.
While you are at it, give yourself a high five in the mirror. We want to be cheered for but we never cheer for ourselves. In her next book Mel will be sharing how a simple high five can change the way we see ourselves and give a positive boost to our days. Can’t wait!
Victoria Osteen – Co-Paster, Lakewood Church
“We all pray for the oak tree but God gives us acorns. Pray for the acorns and see what grows”. I love a good growth analogy, I mean, hello Watered Daily, so I was all about this analogy. We often dream about the end result but change starts with that first step. Sometimes that first step can be scary but as Victoria also shared we’re learners not failures. You can also view it as “failing forward” and “the only failure is not trying”. Regardless of how you view it, you get the gist. No matter how scared or doubtful you might be, take that first step, pray for those acorns, and watch as your beautiful oak tree begins to grow.
Ed Mylett – Speaker, Author, Founder of Maxx Out
Ed had me from hello when he shared that he bought a Chrysler LeBaron with a Velcroed on a Mercedes shell because he was told you should fake it until you make it. Imagine Velroing back on your door because it fell off at a stop light. How do you go from driving a velcro car to flying to this event on a jet? Confidence in yourself.
Confidence comes from keeping the promises we make to ourselves. There is so much we can’t control but we can control the promises we make to ourselves. We can wake up at a certain time each day, exercise, or drink more water. As we keep the small promises we begin to gain confidence that we can set bigger goals and achieve those goals. The best part? You can start today. Start by keeping that one, small promise to yourself.
While small promises set you on the right path, remember that greatness and convenience will never coexist. If you are going through something that is inconvenient or difficult, know that it is something special and grow through it. The other side is worth the hurdle. Goals hit, lessons learned, strength gained. Just keep going, one small promise at a time.
Through it all, remember not to base your measure of success on achievement. Give yourself credit for intention. “Give yourself the gift of believing in you. Not your ability, not your achievements, but your inherent intentions”. There is a power that comes from letting go of it all and doubling down on daily intentions.
Sara Blakely – Founder of Spanx
Most of us know Sara Blakely because we own a pair (or 2) of Spanx. Her lessons are not only inspiring for entrepreneurs but for all of us that dream big and this event was no exception. She spoke about setting intentions. Intentions for your life, your business, and for Sara, even Instagram. How do I find time to dream big and set those intentions? Another tip Sara gave was to carve out space to daydream. Where does your mind wonder? For Einstein it was while he was shaving, for Sara it’s in the car while driving and for me, it’s when I’m running. Make time to daydream and watch as those dreams become reality.
Brendon Burchard – High Performance Coach, Founder of Growth Day
I was hanging on every word of Brendon’s story. From almost taking his own life to then getting in a car accident that made him realize he wanted to live. He made a promise to earn every day he was alive from that day on. Brendon talked about mortality motivation as a driver for change. Knowing it all will end one day, and realizing how precious life is, can get anyone moving. When moving, find alignment with what is true for you. Align your day, energy, heart, and dreams.
As we create alignment, follow our dreams, and create change in our lives, avoid the dreaded burnout by taking regular pitstops. A recent study showed that the most productive/happy people took a break every 50 minutes. Right now, let’s take a Brendon style pitstop. Stand up, close your eyes, bounce in place, breath in 10 deep breaths, and now, set your intentions for the next hour. Repeat every hour.
At the end of each day, ask yourself the questions you would want to ask at the end of your life. For Brendon, they are 1) Did I live 2) Did I love and 3) Did I matter. By living each day the way you want to live your life you will always be living a purpose filled life.
Lia Key – Founder of Valencia Key
Lia shined bright sharing her inspirational story of going from homeless to creating her own jewelry line which in 2020 was highlighted on the list of Oprah’s favorite things. A quote she said that stood out was “your predicament doesn’t determine your destiny” and encouraged us to “choose it, then believe it”. Belief is one of the most powerful catalysts for change. Believe in yourself and then take that leap of faith.
Jay Shetty – Author, Former Monk, Purpose Coach
Watching Jay, I definitely have a new appreciation for story telling as he shared 3 simple yet powerful stories and I furiously took notes. Let’s start with his mantra “I am not behind, I am not ahead, I am exactly where I am meant to be”. Whether you are deep into creating that change in your life or taking your first step, know that you are right where you are meant to be today.
He shared that many of us think we are stuck because we aren’t doing anything when we are actually stuck because we won’t let go of something. Ego. Fear. Perceived Identity. What others think of us. Ugh, I don’t know about you but I’m always holding on to so much. We only have this one life to live. If you are feeling stuck, start by letting go.
Ready to let go? Here’s how you transform with TIME. Be thankful, find inspiration, meditate, and exercise daily. Give yourself TIME, let go, and grow.
Dean Graziosi – Co-Founder of Mastermind.com
Dean had a whole speech planned and 30 minutes before going on he decided to change it up and share an exercise in creating change. All change starts with honesty. Be honest with where you are today. Where are you starting your journey?
Next, where do you want to go. Instead of looking forward with specific goals, envision yourself after the best year of your life. Look backwards at all that you accomplished. Did you start your own company, were you a more patient mom, did you finally say yes to volunteering your time, did you run that 5K you’ve always wanted to run. Envision it. See it. Believe it.
Once you envision it, why do you you want it? We all have our surface why for doing things. Now ask yourself why 6 more times, creating the 7 Layers of Why. Go so deep with your why that you feel it in your heart. When you get there, that is your why.
Tony Robbins – Author, Coach, Motivational Speaker
Tony Robbins was the last to speak but he brought the energy like he was the first. He talked about how being stuck just means your are scared or uncertain. In order to reach your true potential it starts with believing in yourself. Below is his Success Cycle and it shows how belief, potential, action, and results all feed into each other and always cycle back to certainty and belief.

Tony shared an exercise in visualizing success. Stand up, close your eyes, raise your right hand and point in front of you. Rotate clockwise as far around as you can. Now put your hand down and visualize rotating 25% more. Now visualize rotating 360 degrees. OK, now lift your arm back up, close your eyes, and rotate as far as you can go. Did you rotate farther than you did before? I sure did. When you believe in yourself you can create change.
But how do I believe in myself if I don’t know my purpose? Focus on growth. Life expands as you keep growing. Purpose changes and grows as we do. Listen to your heart. Try new things. Serve others. Happiness comes from progress so keep planting those seeds embrace that growth.
As a self proclaimed perfectionist, it hit me hard when Tony said perfection is the lowest standard you can have because it’s unattainable and just a reason to beat yourself up. Perfection is simply fear. Free yourself of perfection and just do it.
There you have it! 12 inspiring minds sharing their best tips for building confidence and believing in yourself. Honestly, this event (and this blog post!) was jam packed but today let’s focus on “one”. Think about one change you want to make in your life. Take one tip from this post that resonated with you. Make one promise to yourself today and take that first step to becoming unstoppable.
This is ANOTHER awesome post, Karen!! I took notes!! 🙂
Thank you! ♥️ And you should see my notes from the event. This was just a summary! 😂
This is inspiring!
I agree! It was such a great event! ♥️
Great content & ideas ~ thanks for sharing your thoughts & all those helpful tips ‼️
You are welcome! Loved attending the event and sharing. So inspiring! ♥️